In addition, each character class offers new challenges, allowing you to play through the story again and experience it differently each time.”

“As well as an in-depth story mode, Warhammer: Chaosbane has a Boss Rush mode, countless dungeons, and will add new content in regular updates to offer a rich and varied gaming experience that will keep you coming back for more.

You’ll also fight epic boss battles against incredibly powerful foes that will require all your skill and might to defeat. Moreover, the new Witch Hunter class will give returning players a reason to sink their teeth back into the title, and newcomers will learn the game has countless hours of replayability despite its repetitive nature.The full Chaosbane game description reads: “As the four heroes battle through the game, they’ll take on over 70 different enemy types aligned with the Chaos Gods, from Cultists, Ungor and Chaos Warriors to mighty Beasts of Nurgle.

Where the enhanced version shines, however, is in the beautiful aesthetics, silky frame rates, and expedient load times on PS5. Prepared for the new console generation, Warhammer: Chaosbane Slayer Edition delivers the same dungeon-crawling experience on a gameplay level. For example, an area-of-effect (AoE) attack with the pistols where the Witch Hunter pirouettes while firing at enemies in all directions becomes a cone-shaped AoE attack with the rapier. Switching from pistols to rapier also changes the way certain class abilities perform. While not as agile as the Elf Scout or technologically adept as the Dwarf Engineer, Chaosbane’s Witch Hunter does bring versatility to the table through its proficiency at both ranged and melee combat. Players who purchase the Slayer Edition will also be given access to all the game’s DLC, including the Tomb Kings expansion and the new Witch Hunter character class, the latter of which sees players switching between dual-wielding pistols and a rapier.