It represents a new way of playing the game, and we're embracing that." This includes the opening hand approach in best-of-one ("Bo1") and the Duo Standard format, best-of-three play ("Bo3") without sideboarding but changing decks instead. On January 21, 2019, a developer blog stated about the future of MTG Arena: "That said, MTG Arena is going to focus on doing some of those things differently or not at all and adding some things that only it can do. In January 2019, when MTG Arena was still only in open beta, it became clear that the extent of play exceeded WotC's wildest expectations. Future banned cards are to be compensated with respective Wildcards ( Rampaging Ferocidonand Ramunap Ruins not included. Standard format was added in June 2018, Kaladesh block was included, along with introduction of Standard and its bans. Wizards of the Coast is exploring opportunities to connect real-world in-store play with digital play for instance, giving rewards in MTG Arena for attending a Prerelease.

It features the full card sets in Standard, with around 1,000 new cards added every year. Unlike Magic Online, MTG Arena only focuses on the newest cards and game modes. Players looking to enhance their game experience have the opportunity to do so through play rewards and in-game purchases, but according to the developers' purchases are not required to access the full depth of authentic Magic gameplay. MTG Arena is available to download with no fee and is a free-to-play game. At the time of its introduction, the sound effects, colors, and overall design of the battlefield were similar to the competing Hearthstone video game. In this way, players can continually explore new mechanics and synergies, collect new cards and have challenging matches with great diversification and complexity.įirst mentioned on August 3, 2017, Magic Arena's reveal was on September 7, 2017. It's a competitive card game where players can collect cards from an immense library updated every few months with new cards. It was officially launched on September 26, 2019. The game exists independently from Magic Online. Though it was stated that was it not considered to be the successor of Magic Duels, it filled the same product space.

Magic: The Gathering Arena, also called MTG Arena, Magic Arena, and MTGA, is a digital Magic: The Gathering game, created under the umbrella of Magic Digital Next by the Digital Games Studio of Wizards of the Coast.